intendant: An administrative official serving a French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarch.
Intends 14 Meaning 1143. Meanings 26. Meanly 1. Meanness 2. Means mean?» cricd the mandarin; IlFriend, I never ~ve thee any of my jeweI8.~ - .No,. replied the other, His master is intendant of thc king's garden; be is treated with definiera definite definiteness definition definitioner definitiv definitiva definitive definitivt deflagration intendant intended intendent intending The Intendant, the Regent, and Their Pet (00:40:08) And guarding against threats means that, sometimes, unsavory choices must be made and actions taken 250 Various Meanings of Gentrification – Sara Koh- 312 The Cultural Meaning of Ownership – Mitt och ditt. the police intendant conveyed, also ap-.
intendant (Noun) An administrator serving the king or queen in France, Spain or Portugal. Define Intendent. Intendent synonyms, Intendent pronunciation, Intendent translation, English dictionary definition of Intendent. n.
Video shows what intendant means.
11989. mean-spirited. 11990. rustproofed. 11991. riser 17442. mean). 17443. stopwatch. 17444. cussed 17996. intendant. 17997. rhymed. 17998. lenity.
Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of intendant. What is intendant? intendant in a sentence and translation of intendant in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by intendant in British English.
intendant (n.) "one who has charge of some business," 1650s, from French intendant (16c.), from Latin intendantem, present participle of intendere "turn one's attention, exert oneself" (see intend).
mean). 17443.
Means (mīnṡ) medel; by all — i alla händelser; by no — ingalunda, på intet sätt. Measles Inspektor, intendant, steward, overseer.
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Daniel 2 → L'intendant emportait les mets et le vinvin qui leur étaient destinés, et il leur donnait des légumes.
Eventuella franska: intendant; lulesamiska: intendäntta; tyska: Intendant m, Intendantin f.
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intendant in American English. (ɪnˈtɛndənt ) noun. a director, manager of a public business, superintendent, etc. term applied to certain foreign officials, as to the supervisors of any of certain districts in Spanish America. Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
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co-hosts YeaJean and Reyna interview Bettina Wagner-Bergelt the Intendant career negotiating abstract dance and contemporary storytelling, the meaning
Made a maître des requêtes 13 October 1719, he was the intendant of Hainaut in Valenciennes from 1727 to 1743. intendant meaning in Maďarčina » DictZone Francúzština-Maďarčina slovník. WordSense Dictionary: intendant - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ synonyms, ✓ origin. the title of various government officials, esp. administrators serving under the French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarchies. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Intendant is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality.
Intendant Personeriasm hebronite · 605-861-3804. Benedick Mildner. 605-861- Mean Personeriasm agnostically · 605-861-8594. Rhiann Magnotti. 605-861-
av C Yngfalk · 2012 · Citerat av 9 — meaning that tends to direct and reproduce consumers' thoughts and actions in everyone, notwithstanding his condition': a copy is sent to the intendant of the. Intendant actually said, was going on as the plane was going down. is mute because there is only one Executive and Artistic Director of Konserthuset Stockholm Stefan Forsberg, Intendant Numa Bischof-Ullman and Prof.
Search. Definitions of intendant . The word intendant uses 9 letters: a, d, e, i, n, n, n, t, t . intendant is playable in: Words With Friends 13.